Thursday, July 31, 2008

Roberta Update

Roberta's follow on surgery to have the prosthetic hip removed was
Tuesday afternoon. David was able to get to Florida in time to see her
shortly after she returned to her room. On Wednesday, she had a pic
line installed and had a series of adjustments made to it through the
day to ensure the proper placement. While she is in significant pain,
her spirits are up and she has her sense of humor. She is eating normal
food again and is making plans to leave the hospital.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Obama goes international

The fact that Obama has taken the initiative to go abroad and seek counsel of other democracies is indicative of his collaborative working style. The isolationist republicans can't understand the value of working in that way. They always feel its their way or the highway. The fact of the matter is that withour current year budget deficit approaching a half trillion dollars, we are going to quickly need to find european cooperation to get things done in Iraq. We can no longer afford to go it alone. My fighting Mr. Bush's fake war we have diluted our ability to confront the grave threat that a nuclear Iran poses to us. Outsourcing that conflict to the Israelis is a novel idea however that will bring repraoch from many oil producing countries. If the sight if $4 gas really bothers you, consider what $10 looks like.


My sister in law receives the prize for the being the first person in months to post a comment on my blog. I am not sure what she should win however, since every deal today says, save your gas receipts, please do so.

Update on Roberta

There have been some complications on the hip surgery that need to be reported. About a week ago during a standar change of the wound dressing there was some concern about fluid build-up. Roberta underwent surgery to clean the wound and test the fluid. The fluid came back as MRSA positive. Yesterday Roberta underwent a third surgery that removed the titianium hip entirely. Basically, the plan is to keep a spacer in there, treat the infection and re-do this in 6 weeks. Post op she was alert and mostly comfortable for a person that has just been sliced open for a third time.
David dropped everything and is down there now looking after her.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's been a while

Not really sure what has taken me so long to engage with the blog again. Not that I have a lack of things to say... Just seems like what I have to say is ranting about one thing or another.

First things first. Mom is doing fine at home. She is resting comfortably and getting PT. She is up and around and has her stitches out.

I am on a train back from NY reflecting on a few things.

Just read an eye opening story in Vanity Fair about the implosion at Bear Stearns. I am shocked and somewhat dismayed that rumor and inuendo could have taken down that storied firm. Is it possible that a hedge fund, an ex employee and CNBC could be to blame for this tragic loss of a Wall St. titan and 14,000 jobs?

The events unfolded so quickly that we may never know... But it wreaks of a hatchet job. Billions in shareholder value evaporated in days. Who profited? Where does the money trail lead? Who had the puts and shorted the stock? We may never know.

The VF article summed up the waning journalistic integrity of the CNBC crew stating that they lack adult supervision. Imagine the ego trip to them knowing the power they wield proving the pen is mightier than the sword. Will they ever think withj remorse of the damage they have done, the reversal of fortune they created, the lives they impacted? We'll never know.

My respect for that organization evaporated when they formalized their relationship with Kudlow, a right wing hatchet man himself. Between him and Kramer, they are wading at the shallow end of the gene pool. The problem is that wall street and america are all there to soak it up. It is shame that they can work under a banner of a legitimate news agency when they do their work. Likely that thay could use a health warning like fox news uses- we report, you decide. Decide what? If it is true I guess.

I wonder if a guy like kudlow survives the change in administration? I think we are all growing tired of that spin.

As for the election... Obama spells hope... A chance for change. McCain spells more years of gloom and doom. G-d help us all.

I think that's it for tonight feeling a bit too cynical right now.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Update 10 am

Roberta is doing well in Rehab and is accepting calls. Call her on her mobile phone.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Update 4 pm

I am pleased to report that Roberta's condition has improved significantly.
Today she was able to walk with the help of PT. Her blood work has come back with favourable results.
All of this has contributed to the fact that she will leave the hospital tonight by 6 pm en route to a Rehab facility.
Thank you all for your calls, e-mails and support.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Update at 2:00 pm

This has been a day of good progress. Physical Therapy was here earlier todaqy and Roberta walked with the walker back and forth and performed numerous exercises. Some of the doctors that have visited are keen to see her moved to a Rehab facility soon.
She is now more comfortable in a reclining chair than in the bed and she is resting there now.
She is eating a more normal diet as well.
Thank you for all of the calls and good wishes. She is not up to speaking on the phone right now.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Update 11:30 pm

There were a number of tests that were conducted today. Firstly an ultrasound was done of the left leg. This was done due to pain in the left calf. The ultrasound ruled out a clot.
Secondly, there was a upper endoscopy. This was due to frequent vomiting. This test ruled out an ulcer or any other GI issue.
Roberta is still mildly uncomfortable primarily because she wants to get up and walk around and today she was unable to.
She had a few pears for dinner and other liquids. They appear to be staying down.
Hopefully wednesday will start the PT regiment. We hope to see her using the walker.

Update 12:30 pm

Roberta is experiencing some complications. She is going for tests today to rule out pain in her lower leg and other items.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Roberta update at 12:55

Roberta has been moved to the floor and is resting. Main complaints are itch, pain and thirst.

Update 8:55 am

Roberta's surgery is almost done and the surgeon said she did a wonderful job. She will go to recovery shortly.

Update 7:35 am

Roberta has been taken to the OR.

Update 7:00 am Monday

Roberta arrived at the hospital at 5:30 am and was taken back for pre-op procedures at 6:15 am. The surgery is scheduled for 7:30 am today. Updates will be posted here through the day.