Monday, January 7, 2008


I woke up on Saturday morning facing the cold hard reality that we just have five weeks left in London. That is very little time to do all the things Jennifer and I discussed doing when we came here two years ago but did find the time to do. So we looked on line and found reasonable priced train and hotel and went to Paris for the weekend. The whole thing is handled in a very simple way when you have access to the Eurostar from King's Cross.

Our main objective was to see two sights and we were able to achieve both despite tired legs and tired dispositions. Early on sunday we took the girls to the top of the Eiffel Tower. In the afternoon we went to the Louvre.

Despite being to Paris numerous times for business, I have never been to the Louvre. Seeing the Mona Lisa was worth the trip. Trying to explain its significance to Hannah was a touch harder. I think both girls absorbed about as much as they could in 36 hours.

This trip reminded me of a movie quote. Now both Jen and I have forgotten the movie so if you know it please let us know. A father takes his daughter to Paris and explains, "I wanted to make sure that the first time my daughter saw Paris it was with a man that really loved her. " I feel blessed to have been able to do this with all three of my women.

The only pitfall was that Abby took a nap at the Louvre. Officially she was at the Mona Lisa but did not have a chance to see it. Waking her was ill advised.

Now I am back to the cold hard reality of work.

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