Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's been a while

Not really sure what has taken me so long to engage with the blog again. Not that I have a lack of things to say... Just seems like what I have to say is ranting about one thing or another.

First things first. Mom is doing fine at home. She is resting comfortably and getting PT. She is up and around and has her stitches out.

I am on a train back from NY reflecting on a few things.

Just read an eye opening story in Vanity Fair about the implosion at Bear Stearns. I am shocked and somewhat dismayed that rumor and inuendo could have taken down that storied firm. Is it possible that a hedge fund, an ex employee and CNBC could be to blame for this tragic loss of a Wall St. titan and 14,000 jobs?

The events unfolded so quickly that we may never know... But it wreaks of a hatchet job. Billions in shareholder value evaporated in days. Who profited? Where does the money trail lead? Who had the puts and shorted the stock? We may never know.

The VF article summed up the waning journalistic integrity of the CNBC crew stating that they lack adult supervision. Imagine the ego trip to them knowing the power they wield proving the pen is mightier than the sword. Will they ever think withj remorse of the damage they have done, the reversal of fortune they created, the lives they impacted? We'll never know.

My respect for that organization evaporated when they formalized their relationship with Kudlow, a right wing hatchet man himself. Between him and Kramer, they are wading at the shallow end of the gene pool. The problem is that wall street and america are all there to soak it up. It is shame that they can work under a banner of a legitimate news agency when they do their work. Likely that thay could use a health warning like fox news uses- we report, you decide. Decide what? If it is true I guess.

I wonder if a guy like kudlow survives the change in administration? I think we are all growing tired of that spin.

As for the election... Obama spells hope... A chance for change. McCain spells more years of gloom and doom. G-d help us all.

I think that's it for tonight feeling a bit too cynical right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your mom is ok and recovering well from the hip hip surgery.

If I had enough patience as you to blog, I'd tell everyone the cool things that happen to me everyday - err - when they do. Here's one: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/story/2008/07/29/ST2008072901730.html
It was the the most bizarre feeling. Only once before (in NYC) have I felt a quake. It's reminds me that I'm ALIVE and that nature trumps everything.

PS. I need to take my nieces on another roller coaster.
PS2. Obama needs Hillary to win (or just call him John Kerry)
PS3. You have to plan a visit here soon - I'd say for Peter and the Starcatchers.