Monday, December 22, 2008

(lame) Duck!

Despite having written about my complete disgust with how the Bush Administration ran this country for the last six years. I still was repulsed by how Bush was treated on his recent trip to Iraq. While I feel that the protest was legitimate, the method was downright wrong and a slap in the face to the American people. Bush may have been the worst President ever however he should not be subject to physical harm as the leader of our great nation. While things in Iraq are still in horrific shape, respect must be paid to the office of the president even if you don’t care for the person currently filling it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All those in favor of a return to the Hussein years should be subject to the WWUD (what would uday do?) judicial philosphy. The Iraqi people have an opportunity to become a free society if they would just take it instead of trying to settle 300 year old fueds.