Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stimulus and the National Debt

It is amazing the the Republican party can be so myopic. This is likely the reaction of a party that ruled with ignorance for the last eigjht years now dealing with thier own dwindling relevance. It will be interesting to see how they will spin the success of the stimulus package when none of them have voted for it. I guess they will start with, "I was for it, before, i was against it, and franklynow I am for it again." It is an amazing bluff that they are playing in this hand of poker as they have evrything to lose once this works out. Incredible how they want to hearken back to the days of old and think that trickle down economics is the way to go. It failed for eight years under 43 and is not what the American people want. We will have to spend our way out of this one. Incredible how they, all of a sudden, are fiscally conservative again. Their president doubled the national debt. Thier president got us into this hole. This mess happened on their watch.
I fund solace in the fact that they continue to look like complete fools on TV trying to get the package shot down. The TARP has been an unmitigated disaster the way it was run by Paulson. Geithner has the bar set so low, success is imminent.
I am left wondering whether they think the American people are so naive to think that we have just forgotten about the last eight years as if it were just a bad dream. It was in fact a nightmare.

1 comment:

Mike Rickard said...

Very well said, Adam. Agree 100%.