Thursday, October 4, 2007

New Role, New Beginning

Some of you may have heard already but for those that have not, I am starting a new role at work on Monday and its one that I am very exciting about. After being affiliated with Finance Systems work for the last six years, I am going across the aisle to work on the Human Resources systems. Effective Monday I will be the Project Director of Human Resources, Group Strategy and Operations. This move is a healthy change for me. It is working with an entirely new customer and a new set of systems. It is learning about new rules and regulations that govern this area. I inherit a great team and one that is held in high regard. So watch this space for updates on how the new role goes.


Unknown said...

I don't need to wish you luck or success because it is well established you are a genius who gets it done. But, it doesn't hurt to be civil. So, all the best in new endeavors. Make more money so you can buy a summer home in NJ and we can hang out and burn hamburgers on the grill.

Unknown said...

Whoa there big boy. Bout bloody time BT recognised you for what your worth - any jobs going? he he
Congrats, looking forward to hearing more
Toni xxx