Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Settling In

I am pleased to report that Hannah was successful with the reading teacher on Monday. Her excellent work enabled her to go into 1st grade as opposed to Kindergarten where she would have been aligned otherwise. Jen and I are so proud of her. One major selling point is that the school façade looks remarkably similar to the one used in High School Musical.
Abigail started her pre-K classes today as well. In typical Abigail fashion she darted away from Jen, eager to play with her new friends.
I am back in the office today and it is wonderful to see the smiling, familiar faces I have known for years.
Jen awaits the call back on her interview. Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Hannah! that is great news. what a hectic time for you all, i'm glad some semblance of normality is returning. Addi I had to chuckle at your description of "move 2"- sounded a lot like eating cold cuts from Wegmans on a ceiling tile on the floor :)
Welcome back to the US guys! we miss you and cant wait to see you soon.
Love the Feldy's