Friday, March 14, 2008

A new beginning

As my project responsibilities in the UK wind to a close I reflect on the experience. This has been a time of significant growth for me and the family. I return to BT Americas having had the exposure to how BT operates at high levels. I have an understanding of what it takes to deliver large projects and how much effort goes into good customer experience.

The UK experience opened our eyes culturally. Jennifer made friends from The Netherlands, Canada, South Africa and Australia- oh and the UK of course. Hannah got a solid educational footing at Hampstead Hill School. Her maths and reading skills make Jennifer and I so proud. Abigail comes home with a great experience and maintains her posh English accent.

I return to the US today with a good sense of accomplishment. I too have formed close bonds with colleagues in the UK and will miss seeing them daily.

For me, my love affair with London comes to an end. I have been coming here frequently for 10 years. I have lost count of the number of trips. As Howie said,' Dude you can fly the plane. '. There is constant electricity about this place. Having left New York in '95 and always considering myself a true New Yorker through and through, London has satisfied my yearning for big city life. It is the gateway to Europe. We saw more of Europe than the UK but that gives us proper reason to come back.

I write this blog in London Taxi. On my way to Paddington where I'll take the Heathrow Express one last time (for now) to Heathrow. I pass by the familiar sights one last time and get tearful of what I'll miss. This experience will have a lasting impact on me and the family.

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