Thursday, April 10, 2008

Phase 3 is complete

Apologies to all of you loyal readers out there who have not seen anything post recently. I am glad to say that Phase 3 of the move is now complete. We have received all of our belongings from the UK and the warehouse. We have made significant strides in getting the house organized and things put away. From my perspective the hardest challenge is dealing with many of the items we have not seen for two years. This represents the true elements of storage... All the pictures and momentos that we have accumulated for years.

Overall we have grown into the house well and seemingly found a way to utilize all the 'extra space' we were supposed to have.

The most significant thing to happen in the last two weeks is that Jennifer has started her job at Georgetown hospital. It is wonderful to see her happy with the challenges at work again. I am so proud of her.

Now that we are a two professional family again, ther biggest challenges lie in how to handle the daily routine of the kids. I guess this is the issue that all families are faced with. We have toyed with the idea of nanny or au pair however we approach both with mixed emotion. That's it for now... More shortly.

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