Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Today I used my Clear membership for the first time. Clear is a privatized security service at major airports that does background checks on applicants and captures biometric information on you to 'ease the security process'.

I was completely underwhelmed by the service and have to admit, I can't see the reason I paid $128 for an annual subscription. Essentially you are paying for a shorter security line however it is only a matter of time until the Clear membership will be on equal footing with that of the regular line creating no incentive to join the service. I had thought that the biometric data would speed us through the queue however once your finger print is scanned you still have to go through the same routine on the normal line. The same TSA agents, the same scanning. It is a real disappointment. Is there anyone that actually finds this useful?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.