Thursday, June 12, 2008

Technorati Profile

Technorati Profile

Technology trends and why I like Level 3 Communications

There are many technology trends right now that cause me to favour a
particular investment decision I have made and I wanted to share with
you. In the interest of full disclosure, I have a direct investment in
Level 3 Communications (Performance). I make no representations that this investment
is right for you. You should consult a professional investment advisor.
I am not a professional investment advisor and make no representations
that the information below is accurate or heavily researched. They are
my personal thoughts alone.
The answers to many questions that companies are dealing with right now
in regards to security, redundancy and accessibility lies in an expanded
use of the internet to solve these problems.
There is not a company in America, or the world for that matter, that
does not cringe at the thought of having to disclose that a lost laptop
contained sensitive customer information on it. Why is all of this
information being schlepped around on laptops anyway? It is related to
the accessibility to the information to the mobile professional and
availability of any always on internet that currently is limited to a
few people. I'll want to look at that tonight from home, on the plane,
on the train, etc. The future of data management from a corporate
perspective is to not allow the information to leave the corporate
premises. Some prognosticators are saying that within a few years that
there will be enough bandwidth out there you will not need to have a CD
drive on your PC. Huh? How will I install a programme if there is no
CD drive? Download it. How will I buy music? Download it- we already
do anyway
. In essence you will access all programs and information
stored from a remote, centralized, secure, redundant location over the
internet. This saves a lot of problems for companies that do see
laptops as a potential legal nightmare.
Most IT departments wrestle with the fact that their security policies
are left to the judgement of many unknowing employees in the
organization. Those employees that consistently skip the updates to the
OS or Virus protection, leaving systems exposed to hackers and malware
that could spread across the entire company network. The employee that
never has the time to let the laptop backup programme run and clicks
through it, losing hundreds of valuable hours of work and information
when the laptop crashes. These all add up to lost man years of
productivity from minor lapses in policy.
Also, think about the reasons why you currently need to upgrade laptops?
Usually because the RAM and storage become insufficient. New programmes
are coming out that are rendering laptop hard drives and RAM useless as
they are too small to meet current needs. But, if this is all managed
centrally- your program is hosted as a service and your data is stored
centrally, your laptop just becomes a GUI network device. For this to
be a reality an abundance of bandwidth needs to be available. This will
force Data traffic from the LAN to the Internet cloud.
Software as a Service
The environment outlined above is called Software as a Service or SaaS.
It is emerging as the right choice for many people and corporations that
don't want to have to manage their own internal IT departments. Why
host an exchange server when you can find someone to do it for you?
They can do it better than you can and for less money. Similarly,
anything that is not part of your core company competency can be bought
on a subscription basis. When this happens, companies can focus on the
customer service aspects and a lot less on the internal administration
of their organizations. Similar to above, SaaS will drive network
traffic off of the corporate LAN and into the cloud.
Expansion of Wi-max
Soon Wi-max will emerge as a reliable standard and enable more people to
work in a mobile way. This enablement will drive a further trend in
home workers and less reliance on the physical office to perform daily
tasks. Again, this will drive more and more activity to the internet
from the LAN. This is further being driven by the ever rising cost of
petroleum around the world.
What else can be said? It is now costing more and more to fill up the
tank. Less and less people will be able to afford the use of standard
gas powered vehicles to drive and home based working arrangements will
increase. This will be aided by Cisco Telepresence, and other
applications that facilitate the collaboration for businesses across
great distances without people having to travel.
Our technology future relies on expansive and ubiquitous bandwidth.
Level 3 Communications is a company that is positioned well to meet the
ever growing demands for bandwidth between major cities. The company
operates one of the largest communications and Internet backbones in the
world. The internet is not going away any time soon.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

AICPA Tech + 2008

This week I attended the annual Technology conference for technologists, like me, in the AICPA. Hands down the best one I have attended and definitely planning on attending next year.

Firstly, we're in Vegas again which is my favourite destination.

Second,the same high quality speakers are back including Dr. Bob Spencer (whose site I have included as a link on my right hand bar) and Randy Johnston. They are what I consider to be the best of the best in this field, are dynamic and engaging. I have included a link to Randy's company site as well on the right hand tool bar. Great reference for hardware and software recommendations if you are a buyer. The site is continuously updated as well.

Lastly, the topics this year really hit the mark. My favourite topics this year were:



Web 2.0

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Other notables:

This year Greg Lafollette's session on blogs, podcasts and social networks was fantastic. Greg manages a number of cutting edge tech publications and podcasts expertly named (insert link) "at the crossroads of technology and accounting" which seems to be where I have lived for most of my career.

Best newcomers this year hands down were Justin Spencer, Dr. Bob's son and Edwin Aoki. Justin did a session on search engine optimization that rocked. Great to see that the apple does not fall far from the tree! And also, Edwin Aoki which did a great session on Web 2.0 products and services.

If you are a CPA and involved with Technology, this annual meeting is a must.

Did you attend? Tell me how you enjoyed it.

International Strategy

John McCain criticized Barack Obama for his naivety in relation to international relations with Iran. He blasted him for saying that he would have an open dialogue with him. McCain's strategy would essentially be a continuation of the Bush policy of using inflamatory language and threatening the use of force to disable their nuclear programme. My question for Senator McCain is, "How's that working out for you?"

Bullying over tips?

So I had to leave my bag with the bellman today as I had to check out of the Bellagio before the training session was over. As I approached the outside bell stand I was approached by a bellman who started off his greeting to me by saying, "It's important for you to know that I will not be the bellman that will help you later, this claim check will need to be presented to get your bag, and it will likely not be me. Do you understand that? I said, "Yes, I understand" Bellman: "Is there any thing else I can do for you now." Me: "No, thanks", At that point the mildly terse look on his face turned completely dissmissive. As I began to pivot and turn away without putting my hand in my pocket He stood more errect with a look on his face which could only be intended to intimidate. His head cocked sideways, his hands at his sides, chest inflated.

I am thinking to myself... You have got to be kidding me. You think you deserve a tip with that attitude? Well forget that. As I turned away, I received a very disingenuous, salutation of, "Have a nice day" however it could have loosely been translated as, "Go f*ck yourself". I turned back with my own body language that said, "You want a piece of me?". Only to then turn away puzzled of such an abrupt conversation could happen over a checked piece of luggage. I shook my head in disgust and retruned to the hotel.

I walked back to the hotel and spoke with the front desk manager emphasizing that this is completely unacceptable behavior for someone in the customer service industry. He agreed and apologized profusely.

Considering the amount of money that I had used to reward dealers, waitresses and others I was disgusted.

Have any of you been put in that predicament? Have any of you been intimidated, felt like you needed to tip or run the risk of being harmed in some way? What is this country coming to. They say, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas however this is something I had to share with you all. Comments please?

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Deuce

It will now be very interesting to see what Obama decides to do in selecting a running mate. We should all remember that he is under no obligation what-so-ever to select Hillary for the ticket regardless of how close the primaries were. In fact, it may be too difficult for them to both try working this out. History has proven that choosing the first and runner up for President and the VP roles has a history of not working out. Early on in our history, Jefferson did a swell job of undermining the work of John Adams. Now they were from different parties but the essence of the issue rings true. I think it will personally be very uncomfortable with Hillary and Bill occupying the Veep mansion. It is just too much horsepower to have in the garage and by the looks of it, it will be impossible to keep Bill’s mouth shut. Despite really wanting to see the big H play a role, in my opinion the VP role will be counter productive. But think of the other roles that can make a difference- Secretary of State perhaps.

Disgruntled Employee?

There is finally someone in the inner circle willing to stand up and tell the truth. I have to applaud what Scott McClellan did and I hope others are willing to come ahead and tell all. This administration has run amok for far too long and while we all wish it is over; let’s not forget to pass out the indictments as soon as it is done.
Consider how brave this gentleman is? He knows full well that every neo-con hatchet man in the administration is now gunning for him. I am sure it is no surprise when his trash bins are stolen (as they try to find ways to slander him) or miraculously the entirety of his personal history winds up in a dossier on Cheney’s desk (To pick apart to destroy his character). I admire his coolness under fire here.
I seriously hope that he is asked to testify under oath to congress about what went on in this administration. Regardless of whether it was on Plame-Name-gate or the myriad of other things that Cheney and Rove conspired to do in an effort to use the American Constitution as their personal door mat.