Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Savage Man!

A close friend of mine invited me to particpate in a sprint triathlon ealier this year. It had swimming, biking and running. While I have done thiese things before, the event gave me something to train for. The goal has been a wonderful motivator. I went from being tired and sluggish to being alert and motivated. During this summer I have already completed one event and I have a second planned for this coming weekend. However,the final event this summer, to take place on the 21st of September is "The Big One". This event is part of the Savage Man Triathlon series. It will be in Deep Creek Maryland. I will be competing at the International length which consists of a 900 meter open water swim, a 23 mile bike ride and a 10 k run. I have trained hard for this over the last 8 weeks. I feel that I am ready for this challenge. In addition, The Savage Man Traithlon series does fund raising to support Melanoma research. Please will you consider making a donation that will help me reach my goal of $500.
Thank you very much for your time and support. It is greatly appreciated.

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