Monday, September 15, 2008

South Riding Sprint Triathlon

On Sunday September 7th I competed in my second sprint Triathlon. It was another great experience. My times have improved as well. This is all in an effort to tune up for the 'big race', the one I have been training for all summer- the 2008 Savage Man.

The South Riding race went well although I was surprised at how winded i was when swimming. I think that since I had been trianing at longer disctances, i fooled myself into beleiving that this was going to be easy. Far from it. You can see the results here overall. My times were as follows: Swim 400 meters- 9:00, Bike 12 miles- 38:19 and run a 5 k- 25:57. Overall with my transition times I was across the line at 1:17:03. I finished 51st out of the male competitors (135) and 17/45 in my age group.

I wanted to say a special thanks to Robert Crangle who ran the final leg of the race with me. His encouragement and competitive spirit helped me improve my time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Impressive. Enjoy the new lifestyle.