Friday, November 9, 2007

Strategy Council Day One

Day one of the Oracle Financials Strategy Council is a rough one. With my jet lag and general nervousness of what is going on in the HR Programme I am awake at 1:30 am. By 2 am I am down in the business centre and making phone calls to the UK. By 5 am I am in Denny’s having a fry up and by 5:30 I am in Starbuck’s synchronizing e-mail. The real challenge comes when I have to shower and get ready for the workshop that starts at 9 am. It is just about that time I am ready to go back to sleep! Day One is really good actually and the content is good enough to keep us all awake.

I love attending events like this with Oracle because they are run very well. The slide presentations are appealing and the presents know their sh1t. It is also a good time to bounce ideas off of peers and get a sense if they are having the same issues you are. Despite knowing that BT is big and that we have a very forward thinking agenda, it is confirmed by our attendance here. The synergies that exist by having me, AJ, AR, Steve and Chris at the same table to discuss strategy is awesome. Collectively amongst us there is over 60 years of experience on BT finance systems at the table. Every break is a chance to refine outlook and roadmap ideas going forward. I realize in looking around the table, my move to HR is bittersweet. I’ll be doing a lot less in the Oracle Financials space going forward and that is a bit of a downer. Not only do I really like oracle EBS, I really like working with these guys.

Oracle EBS is at a really cool turning point right now. The new functionality that Oracle is rolling out answers many of the issues we’ve had for a while. The first session of the day is dedicated to Sub ledger Accounting. This is cool. Keeping the GL lean and mean. Keeping the detail in the sub ledgers is where our thinking has gotten to over 18 months ago. The buzz around the table begins as Steve starts ticking off the number of issues that can help us resolve. An interesting debate goes on related to TP, we hit full stride in our discussion and we are excited.

The Business Intelligence update is a challenge. By now it is time for bed in the UK and my body struggles to remain focused. Plus, with Oracle’s acquisition on Hyperion, the strategy has changed and there is just a lot to absorb. Try as I might, I am getting about 30% absorption. The highlight of this session is the XBRL capability built directly into Hyperion. I latched onto XBRL early and have read about as much as I can on this subject. As a CPA I know this is the future of financial reporting and beyond.

The afternoon is a slight bust when we start talking about Fusion User Acceptance Module. Steve slyly notes that this is like 40 letters that otherwise spell HELP. I am giddy at this point and am trying to think if an acronym that can transform FUAM into fubar. Anyway, Fusion User Acceptance Module is bit like a cup holder in a Mercedes. Once you press the button you watch this thing unfold and you realize there are a handful of German engineers that had way too much time on their hands. My sense is that this is kind of over engineered. By this time I am starting to drool on the table as the jet lag is being unkind.

We wrap the day with a conversation around Applications Unlimited.

Overall a good first day and the big benefits coming during the breaks where we are speaking in real terms about the impact on BT.

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