Tuesday, November 27, 2007

We’re coming home

After much discussion amongst Jennifer and I, and the girls, we have decided that we are going to return to the USA when my contract in the UK completes at 31 March. This has been a wonderful experience for us but we recognize the importance of coming home and setting down roots back at home. One of the challenging things we are faced with is related to where to come home to. Since we sold our home in the USA, we have no place to come back to. Jennifer is taking a very pragmatic approach to evaluating cities and towns based on educational standards for the girls, job opportunities for her, and proximity to an international airport- for me of course. So I wanted to open this discussion up to the wider audience- where do you think we should come back to? We’d like to hear what you have to say. We are looking for a town that has a thriving Jewish community, good schools, a children’s hospital, and within driving distance to an international airport ( a real one please… not one that has the token flight to Mexico to brandish the international moniker! One that flies to London…) Please, let us know what you think. You have all been slow to leave comments, so I welcome them now, I want to know your thoughts. Some considerations thus far… Atlanta and Cherry Hill, NJ (close to Philadelphia). Click on the link below to leave a comment.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for bringing us up to date and "illuminating" us (on Chanukah) to your plans. I think your mom will be quite excited to learn that you are returning to the US.

Given that you have a wide open range of options you should, of course, begin as you have done with rostering your needs and ordering your priorities. You and your wife are the only ones who can determine what counts the most in selecting a new location for your life. Needless to say there are financial factors that enter into that decision, i.e. costs of housing and other costs of living.
I also know that you are deeply concerned about the quality of Jewish living for your family. Here again you need to explore what the local options present to you. For example, are you interested in day school education for the girls? What type of synagogue access do you seek? Would you want access to a JCC?
What's the demographics of the community in terms of finding people in your age cohort and friends for the girls? Jewish life is now thriving in many places where there were once no Jews to speak of. For example, in Las Vegas and in Arizona, Jews have come in great numbers and they are building fine institutions to support quality Jewish life. The more established Jewish communities are of course around the major metropolitan areas and fortunately there are many solid options for you to consider. I also think you have to consider climate issues and what that presents. Needless to say, you can't ignore access to family as well.

So...I am excited for you.Let me know how I can be helpful. I do know lots of people all across the country and, as you are making decisions, I can easily plug you into a variety of "advisers".

Chanukah sameach and best regards!


Anonymous said...

Hi Adam,

Well I think you already know I suggested San Diego to Jennifer. Of course that's because I'm here, it's 70 degrees year round, beautiful ocean and culture. (Let me know if you want to see photos)There are great schools-especially in north county.
I also suggested Miami since your mom is there. I have also heard that Charlotte and Raliegh/Durham NC are great. What about Norfolk/VaBeach? Yes, I know I'm selfishly trying to keep you all out of any harsh winters : )
If you need help with gathering info from the states or anything just let me know. I'll leave the job opportunity info up to your other friends.


Anonymous said...

Some links: The last one has a quiz


-PS I've found it's good to see what the people living in the city say about it - if they love it. Otherwise they may have moved there for the practical reasons, but still end up not enjoying their city/their life. Those are the people you end up working with and living next door to as well. Happy, more fullfilled people are better to interact with.

Good Luck.

Unknown said...

Laurie and I say BRISBANE - surf, sand, beach,camping, kayak, cycling. You'll love it and we will even start research on the Jewish Community. PLUS you can stay with us we have a spare room or two and a pool with a huge back yard and only 5 mins from the beach or 25mins from the city. hmm that's one to think about isnt it!!! Love Toni