Saturday, August 2, 2008

Infinitive Traithlon Series: Broadlands

Today i participated in my first sprint Triathlon in the Broadlands (Ashburn, VA). The day started off cold and rainy however I finished with a respectable time for a first timer. I was 52 out of 84 men. I finished 18 out of 28 men in my age group.
The event was made up of a 400 meter swim, 12 mile bike ride and 5 k run. My times on each were 9:25, 45.34, 27.35 respectively. Inclusive of transition time my total was 1:26:32.8
I had two major league challenges today. Firstly, I wiped out on my bike trying to make a turn. The rain was puring down and i miscacluated how quickly i could navigate the turn. Secondly, some spectators directed me the wrong way on the bike.
The wipe out gave me some serious road rash on my knee, elbow, arm and back. Jen patched me up and I am back in action. Click here for overall results.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a stud!