Friday, August 1, 2008

Roberta Update

A little more of an update on Roberta for today. She came home this afternoon. The infectious disease doctor would not let her go to rehab in order to do the six weeks of antibiotics that she has in front of her. So instead, she is going to an infusion center every day for six weeks. She has a pic-line in her arm to allow for easy access. It took them three tries at installing it, so it better be worth it. David has the honor of doing the maiden voyage tomorrow with her. David is planning on leaving on Sunday. He has lined up several friends to fill in as transport to/from the infusion center and to look in on her. Beverly comes a week from Monday, so we know she will be in good hands. After Beverly leaves, I will be going down with the girls (Hannah and Abby). Once the six weeks is up (Sept 15th), it will probably be two more weeks of being infection free before they will want to put the hip back in (around Oct 1st). Then its several weeks of rehab from there. That's the plan right now. If you want to reach Roberta via email,

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