Thursday, August 21, 2008

Roberta Update

I have spent the week in Florida with my mom assiting with the doctor visits and the battery of tests she is under from her hip surgery. For those of you keeping score at home, the original hip has been removed and she has a 'temporary' replacement in there. This one is packed with anti biotics and helping her fight the MRSA infection she is battling. Recently she is dealing with pain in the leg which may be associated with either phlebitis or cellulitis. Regardless we had an MRI today to rule out a clot and this has been the third such test we have done in that area. She is currently walking with a walker and has the option to use a wheelchair but does not. Her walking is improving and she notices she no longer has the pain the drove us down this path in the first place. The pain she has now is assocaited with the surgey and the various layers of tissue and muscle that had to be cut to insert the prosthesis. The prognosis is good. She has weeks of IV anti biotics still to take. We met with the surgeon yesterday who was up beat and optimistic about the weeks to come. Finally, the tempoarary hip that she has is one that can be used for 10-15 years so she may opt to just leave this one in and move on. With David and I based hundreds of miles away, she has been relying on a wonderful network of friends to help her get to and from her various medical appointments. These wonderful people help her everyday and for that we are very grateful.

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